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Avatar SharpNeedle

25 czerwca 2019, 02:38

I fucking hate the 🗿 emoji.

It's horrendous and ugly. I hate it. The point of emojis is to show emotions, but what emotion does this show? Do you just wake up in the morning and think "wow, I really feel like a massive fucking stone today"? It's useless. I hate it. It just provokes a deep rooted anger within me whenever I see it. I want to drive on over to the fucking emoji headquarters and kill it. If this was the emoji movie I'd push it off a fucking cliff. People just comment 🗿 as if it's funny. It's not. 🗿 deserves to die. He deserves to have his smug little stone face smashed in with a hammer. Oh wow, it's a stone head, how fucking hilarious, I'll use it in every comment I post. NO. STOP IT. It deserves to burn in hell. Why is it so goddamn smug. You're a fucking stone, you have no life goals, you will never accomplish anything in life apart from pissing me off. When you die noone will mourn. I hope you die

Avatar HWDziemniak

30 czerwca 2019, 14:58

@SharpNeedle: może znaczy stoned (nawalony)

Avatar Oliwciakowa

Edytowano - 22 listopada 2013, 19:45

Weź takiego psa nakarm... albo posprzątaj po jego potrzebie D:


18 kwietnia 2018, 21:44

@Oliwciakowa: wyjdź

Avatar Oliwciakowa

25 maja 2018, 21:25

odpowiedź po 5 latach pod moimi dwoma komentarzami.. gratuluję ._. mądrze


25 maja 2018, 21:51

Avatar MantiX16

23 listopada 2013, 07:20

podejrzane te zdjęcie... fake chyba

Avatar Krychomir

22 listopada 2013, 22:19

Co za wielkolud :D

Konto usunięte

22 listopada 2013, 17:47

zmarł miesiąc przed 8 urodzinami [*]

Avatar Toralei11786

22 listopada 2013, 17:52

[*] (*)

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