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  3. ZABRONIONE są obrazki przedstawiające osoby w pozach prowokacyjnych oraz zbliżenia piersi, pośladków i inne treści o podobnym charakterze.


Avatar Elmario1234

18 stycznia, 21:01


Avatar hkllbr3w

12 marca 2022, 17:37


Avatar Jadeja

5 kwietnia 2021, 00:09

Wina tuska

Avatar YTFireLordYT

10 stycznia 2021, 16:37

Ivan Ivanovich

Konto usunięte

28 kwietnia 2018, 21:13

Pan друг spod piątki

Avatar SmierdziszKupom

2 maja 2018, 23:17

Czo to jest ten drug wytlumaczy mi ktos ?

Avatar potato_is_a_meme

3 maja 2018, 09:16

@SmierdziszKupom: drug
noun: drug; plural noun: drugs
a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
"a new drug aimed at sufferers from Parkinson's disease"
synonyms: medicine, medical drug, medication, medicament; More
remedy, cure, antidote;
cure-all, panacea;
potion, elixir;
informalmagic bullet;
"drugs prescribed by doctors can be extremely hazardous if misused"
a substance taken for its narcotic or stimulant effects, often illegally.
"a cocaine-based drug"
synonyms: narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen, addictive drug, recreational drug, illegal drug, substance; More
informaldope, junk, gear, stuff, downer, upper;
vulgar slangshit
"she was obviously under the influence of drugs or booze"
verb: drug; 3rd person present: drugs; past tense: drugged; past participle: drugged; gerund or present participle: drugging
administer a drug to (someone) in order to induce stupor or insensibility.
"they were drugged to keep them quiet"
synonyms: anaesthetize, give an anaesthetic to, narcotize, give drugs to, give narcotics to, give opiates to, poison; More
knock out, make/render unconscious, make/render insensible, stupefy, befuddle;
"he was drugged and bundled into the boot of a car"
add drugs to, tamper with, adulterate, contaminate, poison;
informaldope, spike, lace, slip a Mickey Finn into, doctor
"she had drugged his coffee"
stupefied, insensible, befuddled;
delirious, hallucinating, narcotized;
anaesthetized, knocked out, comatose;
informalstoned, high, doped, dopey, on a trip, tripping, spaced out, zonked, wasted, wrecked, high as a kite, off one's head, out of one's mind, flying, turned on, hyped up, freaked out, charged up;
"he was obviously drunk or drugged when he wrote it"
antonyms: sober
add a drug to (food or drink).
take illegally obtained drugs.
"she was convinced he was out drinking and drugging"

Middle English: from Old French drogue, possibly from Middle Dutch droge vate, literally ‘dry vats’, referring to the contents (i.e. dry goods).

Avatar SmierdziszKupom

4 maja 2018, 21:37

Avatar potato_is_a_meme

4 maja 2018, 21:43

@SmierdziszKupom: sam jesteś xd


3 maja 2018, 23:12

Było już dawno, tylko, że tamta wersja brzmiała ,,Niedobrze, Ruskie zawarły pakt z mordorem".

Avatar purpe_guy

3 maja 2018, 22:46


Avatar KKuubbaaa1313

3 maja 2018, 19:48

Było to już.

Avatar SnaqS

Edytowano - 2 maja 2018, 17:07


Avatar potato_is_a_meme

3 maja 2018, 09:16

@SnaqS: ty

Avatar SnaqS

3 maja 2018, 11:02

@potato_is_a_meme: no mówie że ja

Avatar potato_is_a_meme

3 maja 2018, 17:42

@SnaqS: no mówie że ty

Konto usunięte

30 kwietnia 2018, 18:04

Zbliża się wojna... Faktycznie, lepszy tytuł.

Avatar BOSS111

2 maja 2018, 17:47

A jaki był na początku?

Konto usunięte

3 maja 2018, 11:08

@BOSS111: Pojawienie się Saurona

Avatar BOSS111

3 maja 2018, 13:40


Avatar Nick_G

2 maja 2018, 23:12


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2 maja 2018, 21:24

Kakaowe oko,pierścień przeznaczenia,kuźnia mordoru, dużo jest określeń na pierścień Put in a

Avatar Memoznawca

2 maja 2018, 21:23

Z U C C E R B E R G ...

Avatar Jakonix

2 maja 2018, 19:17

Putin go ma

Avatar Filipsss

2 maja 2018, 17:49

Wojna? lol xD

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