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Avatar BylSobieMotyl

6 stycznia 2018, 18:16

Fejk 100%


7 stycznia 2018, 15:23

@BylSobieMotyl: ku*wa serio?

Konto usunięte

7 stycznia 2018, 15:39

@BylSobieMotyl: no nie pie**ol sherlocku do siedmiu boleści

Avatar generalpartyzantkijeja

31 grudnia 2017, 20:14

Bon Jovi vs. Jon bovi


31 grudnia 2017, 20:28

Avatar mikolajk004

6 stycznia 2018, 13:26

nvi nvi

Avatar Dr_Sheldon_Cooper

1 stycznia 2018, 01:10

Ma ktoś paste o dziedzinie imieniem love?

Avatar GamerGirl

1 stycznia 2018, 13:50

Avatar Tymek590

2 stycznia 2018, 14:02

@Dr_Sheldon_Cooper: Be me
Be 26
Recently got married to a solid 7/10
She wants kids right away
Gets her wish
Fast forward 9 months
Baby is on the way
In the waiting room becouse i couldn’t handle it
Wife has baby
mfw i see my child for the first time
Told her she could name tge baby anything she wanted
She tells the doctor that her name is Love
Wife isn’t a hippy or anything
I’m not huge fan, but fuck it, i promised her
Fast forward 10 years
Baby is growing up
Love comes back from school crying
Ask what’s wrong
Says she is being bullied becouse of her name
I cheer her up with some ice cream
Problem solved and bast dad award achived
Fast Forward 7 more years
Love has turned into a 9/10
She dresses normal
Always wears red nail polish
But she is shy
Very shy
She is still mocked constantly becouse of her not so ordinary name
She comes home from school
Obviously disturbed
Ask her if its about her name
She says nothing
Just kisses me on the cheek and leaves
First time she has kissed me since she was baby
Just wasn’t her thing
Can hear wife pulling in
She is home early from work
Hear door open from daughters room
Door then opens from garage
Loud blast goes off directly behind me
I fall to the ground
Wife looks at me and screams
I look down and see bullet through me chest
Love says something about her name
I look up at my still beautiful wife
I say
Shot through the heart
And you’re to blame
You give Love
A bad name

Avatar Dr_Sheldon_Cooper

3 stycznia 2018, 02:29

@Tymek590: Bóg zapłać

Avatar LostInSpace

1 stycznia 2018, 01:50


Avatar anonymoose

31 grudnia 2017, 19:30

Skisłem srogo xD


31 grudnia 2017, 19:30

@anonymoose: to zajebiście, moja pierwsza pasta

Konto usunięte

31 grudnia 2017, 20:53





31 grudnia 2017, 19:34



31 grudnia 2017, 19:35

dzięki wielkie, to naprawdę pomaga

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