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Avatar ultron64

25 czerwca 2019, 22:08


Avatar Krzyniu

13 stycznia 2017, 21:27

Somebody once told me, the Order's gonna roll me, I ain't the best Jedi eeeveeer...
He was looking kind of dumb with a lightsaber in his hand
In the shape "I" above his forehead

Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to slay, so much to kill
It's really pleasant to throw guys from hill
You'll never know if you don't throw
You'll never know if you don't blow

Hey, now, you're an All Star, get your game on, go play
Hey, now, you're a Rock Star, get the show on, get sand
In fact, Republic is ooold
Only dying stars break the mold...

Dobra, to mi wyszło średnio, ale zmęczony jestem.

Avatar gentelman

21 stycznia 2017, 15:21

@Krzyniu: You are the most beautiful dog
They call you Jabba the Hutt
They call you Jabba the Hutt
For a reason

Oh My God, I'm so fast
So fast and so fat
For a reason
Here we go

Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help
They call you Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help
Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help
They call you Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help

This sandwich doesn't have turkey in it
Doesn't turkey in it
Frickin' get it right
You son of a b*tch
Haters gonna hate
I laugh 'cuz you skate
This is not my fate
Because I ate
Your mama's-- oh, what the hell?
What the hell, what the hell?

I was like "Should I order game online?"
Mmm, mmm, mmm...
Should I order game online?
No, I'll drive to the fuckin' gamestop

Should I order game online?
Mmm, mmm, mmm...
Should I order game online?
No, I'll drive to the fuckin' gamestop

Help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help,
Help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help,
Help, help, help, help, help, help, help, help,

Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help
They call you Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help

Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help
They call you Jabba the Hutt
Help, help, help

A co powiesz na to?

Avatar Krzyniu

21 stycznia 2017, 16:38

@gentelman: Najs.

Avatar darcus

13 stycznia 2017, 11:19

To był straszny moment, kiedy Anakin Shrekwalker został okaleczony i oszpecony przez Os-łana Kenobiego.

Avatar Wladimir_Putin

13 stycznia 2017, 10:06

Avatar MrCienki

11 stycznia 2017, 21:24


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